Sunday, 2 September 2007
CLUB 21...
It’s Sunday afternoon and I‘m surprised I haven’t spent the day sleeping. The last two weeks have been hectic but I’ve managed to catch up on life. My innocent pizza date last weekend began at 7pm and 8 hours later I finally got to bed. I’d been dragged, under-dressed, into town by my 'pizza date girlfriend' Kristy Timmer, insisting on catching up for a hot chocolate at 10pm… very suspicious. I later found that in her devilish ways she’d given my photo to the DJ! This week I went out to lunch with some teachers from high school, Ian and Jenny, and then found out that I have 2 weeks off work as my boss, Gavan Lack, is heading to Fiji! After assisting Mal at Carnegie racing yesterday for duty I rushed home to prepare to party.
Last night, once again under the influence of Kristy and not alcohol, I ventured out to dinner with some girlfriends to celebrate her 21st. After a few bottles it was suddenly 1am and we were boot scooting to country music at ‘Flannigan’s’ with about 15 of us bearing pink 21st Balloons on our wrists… almost embarrassing! I managed to catch up with my twin, Angie, and about 20 people I haven't seen since high school when we moved on to 'Saloon'... she's dyed her hair dark. This morning I tried to wake early for Father’s Day, fairly excited about giving my Dad his laptop that the family had put money towards. He was impressed, but more curious about how the coffee would taste in the new mug we had bought him... I bet it went down well with the pancakes that Mum whipped up.