Results: Trophee D'Or, Stage 2, Avord – Avord, 112kms
Wednesday, 27 August 2008
It was a flat day, with two laps of a 56km circuit. There were two climbs categorised the first time around, and then uncategorized the second time…go figure! Despite Carlee’s lead-out efforts, Vicki was out of the points on both occasions, and we have now given up on the climber’s jersey for the remainder of the tour. It was time for more presents atop the podium; a rose, a silver pen and a card holder case, the latter of which I have become quite the fan of. I rode forward all day, accidentally stole GPM points from Vicki, and enjoyed the many money primes occurring ever 5kms! After a time bonus prime at half way, Rochelle decided she wasn’t feeling that great, and John made the call with 20kms to go that we counter until we can counter no more!
Leonie found herself in the most promising break with 10kms remaining, until I bridged in a small group and it neutralised. Tiff was then solo at 3kms, and Leonie lining it out to the finish. Rochelle had changed her mind on how her legs felt as soon as the adrenaline kicked in, so it was just our luck that Vicki and I had counted on her coming good, saving ourselves for the required lead-out. Another awesome sprint rewarded us with another podium…second…giving us second on GC. From the race, I headed straight back to school to do my hand washing, receive my massage and analyse my SRM data to see if I had won the competition for lowest watts on the day. Score is Peta 1, Rochelle 1. But of course, Rochelle is ruthlessly lean, so I’ll always win the power:weight!
Results: Trophee D'Or, Stage 2, Avord – Avord, 112kms
Results: Trophee D'Or, Stage 2, Avord – Avord, 112kms