Saturday, 27 December 2008
After pre-Christmas celebrations in Bendigo on Sunday, I was on a 6am train back to Traralgon to receive my first Christmas present…from me :) I missed my train, settled for the second which was running late, and as a result missed my transfer in Melbourne. By the time I made it home I was over an hour late to my driving lesson, which would in turn proceed to my driving test in an attempt to get my licence, albeit 2 years overdue… My Buzz Box Driving School instructor is coincidentally an avid cyclist, which certainly helped when it came to disposing of my bike for two hours. I was nervous to the point of sweating when I began my test, knowing what impatient mothers of four are like in their 4WD’s three days before Christmas. I spoke choice words during the deeds of attempting to drive while in park…and speeding in a 60km/hr zone, but these faults seemingly went unnoticed on my final test result of 100%! Which now means I have my licence!
Although my best present this year came from myself :P (its hard to beat the freedom of driving), I’d go as far to say that I had the best Christmas ever! But I’m pretty sure I say that every year. I was spoilt from my parents as per usual, and after spoiling oneself with presents I went on to spoil my Christmas lunch at Nan & Pop’s with pancakes for breakfast, pre-treats on arrival in Maffra, and followed up with after-treats before returning home. Five minutes of cricket (pictured) did little to burn off the calories I consumed! Then continuing on with the spoiling theme, I took full advantage of 8hours of boxing day sales! So, I now have my licence, a car (bought from my parents this morning), and Christmas Track Carnival racing to attend to in Western Victoria…so alas, I am about to depart for my first solo driving experience…on highways, through Melbourne, totalling 4hours in duration during the silly season. Let’s pray my parents aren’t purchasing ‘touched by the road toll’ stickers in the morning…