Results: Tour of Chong Ming Island Time Trial, 20kms
Saturday, 2 June 2007
The first day of racing had arrived. After contending with downpours of rain all day yesterday we were hoping for prime race conditions. I wasn't keen on contemplating whether it was worth paying for my dirt ridden socks to be professionally cleaned at $2AU a pair, I don’t even think I paid that much for them! For the Tour of Chongming Island the Australian National Development Team comprised: Skye-Lee Armstrong - 20 - Nsw, Jessica Berry - 25 - Vic, Belinda Goss - 23 - Tas, Louise Kerr - 20 - Qld, Kate Mercer - 27 - Qld, Peta Mullens - 19 - Vic, Bill Clinch - Manager - Nsw, Liz Hepple - Coach - Qld, Paul Butler - Mechanic - Qld
Skye-Lee had chosen to skip on the hurt event and Berry was exhausted in hospital. Although not our best ever times, we were pleased with out efforts and grateful that Bel didn’t stop the clock ahead of me as she was the only one not decked out with bars and a rear disc! Jess spent the day in hospital undergoing some more tests in an attempt to find what is wrong. The doctors are leaning toward a problem with her gall bladder but are looking for a second opinion. We pray to god that she doesn’t have to undergo operations here in Chongming =(
Results: Tour of Chong Ming Island Time Trial, 20kms
Results: Tour of Chong Ming Island Time Trial, 20kms