Thursday, 2 August 2007
Happy 49th Birthday to Big Jim (for yesterday) :) Although I wish I could be there to celebrate with chocolate and Pizza I know you will somehow manage all of that without me... take it easy on the Chomps! Having no commitments is different for me, giving me time to think about the important things such as my health and well-being. The worst thing I've eaten in the past two days is a dry biscuit spread with honey. I'm cooking some feasts that hold me in good stead for cooking duties when I return home. Mum... I think I actually like salad! I spend my days salivating over the meal to come; surely this is some kind of unhealthy disease?
We took the most direct roads to our hill of SE (strength endurance) effort selection, travelling via 'Harriet' the horse and journeying past Dazza's new woman whom he described as 'the filthy bikini-wearing female with good legs and a nice rack'. We're trying to set him up but may have to look a little farther. It felt good to incorporate some intensity back into the program but needless to say we were jealous when riding past Ath enjoying coffee and pastries in the sun. Today marks our 30th day as a team and although not a special milestone the coaches will find anything to celebrate. So off to dinner they went... without us! We've given Dazza an age range to work with, 18-80 years seemed pretty comfortable. He fancied the waitress at dinner I heard but she was only 12 so it was back to Mary, who turns out to be British.