Thursday, 12 July 2007
After spending the last 9 days in Canberra I think I speak on behalf of the team when saying that I can’t wait to get out. The 2 degree weather is cracking me, the efforts yesterday cracked me, and the food at the AIS, although extremely enjoyable, is also starting to crack me. To ease the boredom Bel and I managed to squeeze in both a manicure and pedicure, payment thanks to our $50 Kowalski Tour winnings.
In our last two days of what we call ‘school’ we have gained knowledge on media exposure and presentation, how to ‘walk the grid’, the ‘pinch’ and of course…how to smuggle dessert into the office when you have officially been told it is not allowed, and then taught how to avoid the wrath after you’ve been caught…nice work Dave! Despite repeated attempts from Bel and I to whiten our teeth it seems that our take home kit is a slight failure. The only change is negative bringing on sensitive teeth that is making anything but ice-cream and my magnificent lunch time AIS pizza difficult to consume. Suitcases are crammed and snack food packed, prepared for the 40 hours of travel time to our next residence in Loire, France =)